Rollers and Tines


View the video demonstrations of our products!

Double Winged Rouge VT unfolding

37.5-foot Rogue VT in action

Slow Motion Rogue VT in Iowa

Slow Motion Rouge VT

Rogue VT Vertical Tillage Machine

Rogue VT Vertical Tillage Machine in action

Rouge VT Vertical Tillage in Iowa

Aeration Machine out in the field

Rouge VT drive beside

Hands in soil

We know harvest isn’t easy, and that’s why we are here to help. Get the most out of your harvest by using our aeration equipment to optimize your soil health and increase your yields.

We offer overnight delivery out of Iowa, so you will have minimal downtime if things go awry. 

Please get in touch if you have any questions, our knowledgeable and trained staff is ready to help.